
CAMRA Festivals Nearby

There are loads of other beer festivals going on all over East Anglia organised by neighbouring CAMRA branches, and the branch arranges visits to many of them. Here are a selection:

JanuaryCambridge Winter Ales; Ely Winter Beer; National Winter Ales, Norwich
MarchNorth Hertfordshire's Winter Beer Festival, Hitchin; London Drinker Beer & Cider Festival (close to Kings Cross/St Pancras)
AprilBury St Edmunds; Dunstable; Maldon
MayCambridge; Northampton
JulyBishops Stortford
AugustGreat British Beer Festival, London; Peterborough
SeptemberLetchworth; Ipswich
OctoberBedford; Norwich; St Albans; Sawbridgeworth
NovemberRochford; Watford
DecemberHarwich & Dovercourt Bay

For details of these and other festivals around the UK including the national Great British Beer Festival please visit the CAMRA web-site.