
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Hunts Branch Diary

Branch Events

Here is the branch diary of events for the next few months. Please contact the Social Secretary for further details. CAMRA members can see a list of events including Branch Meetings in the Members' Area.

Branch events

  • Xmas Beer Shopping - St Neots Sunday 22 December 2024

    Our annual beer shopping trip in St Neots. The approximate timings are as follows:
    13:00: Shume Bottle Emporium (Church Walk)
    14:00: Pig 'n' Falcon and/or Weeping Ash
    15:15: Barley Mow
    16:15: Ale Taster
    17:15: Ye Olde Sun
    Janice will be coordinating the trip this year. Please feel free to come along for some/all of the afternoon and continue after 18:00 if you are still willing and able!!

  • Open Branch Meeting Tuesday 7 January 2025 19:30 Ale Taster, St Neots
  • Open Branch Meeting Wednesday 19 February 2025
    Location to be confirmed

Regional CAMRA Events

Here are some other CAMRA events taking place in our region.

Regional CAMRA Events