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Do you enjoy the occasional pint? Do you like going to unspoilt traditional pubs? Do you like tasty beers, well kept and served refreshingly cool? Do you enjoy eating at pubs which serve delicious food cheaper than at restaurants? Perhaps your ideal Sunday is a short walk in the countryside finishing of at an immaculate country pub, or pehaps you just pop down the pub on Friday afternoon with your work colleagues to relax your way into the weekend.

If any of these sound like you then CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, may be a just up your street. If you live in Huntingdonshire, Huntingdonshire CAMRA are busy working to protect your pleasure. For other areas please visit CAMRA's national site.

CAMRA exists:

  • To maintain consumer rights
  • To promote quality, choice and value for money
  • To support the public house as a focus of community life
  • To campaign for greater appreciation of traditional beers, ciders and perries as part of national heritage and culture

CAMRA is a volunteer organization with 130,803 members across the UK. CAMRA exists to promote good quality cask ales in good pubs. CAMRA has been described as the most successful consumer organization in Europe.

More importantly than all of this, though, being a member of CAMRA, is fun. Enjoying the finest quality cask ales in Britain's best pubs is both a pleasure and a hobby. The fact that we are saving Britain's unique heritage happens almost by accident.

CAMRA turned the tide of bland keg beer in the 1970's, when it looked likely that real ale might cease to exist. We have helped in the fight to stop breweries and pubs closing. We were instrumental in the introduction of all-day opening.

We are by no means complacent though. There are many fights still to be won: getting a full pint, cutting the excessive UK duty on beer, allowing pubs to stay open later if they choose, where there is no disturbance to local residents. You can help by joining CAMRA today. Our voice is listened to by government because we have so many members. Joining will further strengthen that voice.

If you want to carry on drinking good beer in great pubs join CAMRA and protect your pleasure.

For more information on CAMRA nationally have a look at the CAMRA National web-site.